Environment, Meteology, Ocean, Disater, Agricuture & Renewable energy
환경, 기상, 해양, 재난, 농업 & 신재생에너지
EMODAR Observation·Operation·Analysis
Core Contents
DIGIQUAY Co., Ltd. has observation, operation, and analysis technologies and know-how for precision data production in the fields of environment (E), weather (M), ocean (O), disaster (D), agriculture (A), and renewable energy (R).
- Development, observation and operation of high-tech equipment in related fields and possessing data quality control technology
- Possess ground, marine, aviation, satellite observation, operations, data standardization and visualization technologies
Core Fields
/Possessed Technology
- Operation and Analysis of Observation Equipment
- Ground observation equipment installation, operation and analysis technology
- Marine Observation Equipment Installation, Operation and Analysis Technology
- Aeronautical Observation Equipment Installation, Operation and Analysis Technology
- GIS, Numerical Model Input Data Pre-processing and Standardization Technology
- Real-time Observation Data Monitoring Technology
- Construction and monitoring of automatic observation equipment
- Construction Technology of Automatic Observation Equipment in Environment, Meteorology, Ocean, Hydrological, Disaster, and Agriculture
- LTE-based real-time observation data monitoring technology
- Web, App, Platform Dashboard Deployment Technology
- Web Visualization and Statistical Processing Techniques of Observations
- LTE-based real-time observation data monitoring technology
Core business
Development of Microclimate Analysis and Wind Road Analysis Technology in Chuncheon City to Mitigate Urban Heat Island
- Ground observation equipment installation, operation and analysis technology
- Web, App, Platform Dashboard Deployment Technology
- GIS, Numerical Model Input Data Pre-processing and Standardization Technology
- Web Visualization and Statistical Processing Techniques of Observations
- LTE-based real-time observation data monitoring technology
Development of Aeronautical Observation and Equipment Operation and Analysis Technology
- Aerial radar observation and analysis technology
- Cloud physics observation, equipment operation and analysis technology
- Air Quality Observation, Equipment Operation and Analysis Technology
- Weather observation, weather control experiment and analysis technology
Development of Ground Observation Equipment Operation and Analysis Technology
- Construction Technology of Automatic Observation Equipment in Environment, Meteorology, Ocean, Hydrological, Disaster, and Agriculture
- Web, App, Platform Dashboard Deployment Technology
- GIS, Numerical Model Input Data Pre-processing and Standardization Technology
- Web Visualization and Statistical Processing Techniques of Observations
- LTE-based real-time observation data monitoring technology
Development of Marine Observation Equipment Operation and Analysis Technology
- Construction and Operation Technology of Marine Meteorological and Air Quality Observation Equipment
- Construction and Operation Technology of Ship Advanced Observation Equipment
- Web, App, Platform Dashboard Deployment Technology
- GIS, Numerical Model Input Data Pre-processing and Standardization Technology
- Web Visualization and Statistical Processing Techniques of Observations